Trusted and GREEN traceability through EU SPACE Technologies
Businesses exchange goods, services, money and data with suppliers, partners and customers. Reliability and precision of these transactions is important. Human intervention in the form of an auditor, public notary or third-party certifier is usually needed to certify the transaction. While blockchain is used in an increasing number of sectors, it cannot ensure that digitally recorded information is taken in a certain location and time. The automated and trusted proof-of-location technology requires human intercession.
In this context, the EU-funded Space4Green project will develop a technological solution that does not require human certification. The solution is based on the integration of space technologies (Galileo OS-NMA signals) and blockchain with smart devices and mobile platforms.
🇪🇸 Integrasys
🇨🇾 Omnia
🇪🇸 Asociacion Centro Technologico CEIT
🇬🇷 Agrotikos Synetairismos Pellas
🇪🇪 Guardtime OU
🇸🇮 ITC - Inovacijsko Grozd Murska Sobota
🇬🇷 AgroApps
🇪🇸 Cooperativas Agro-Alimentatioas De Andalucia
🇪🇸 Consejo Rejulador Denominacion De Origen Protegida ACEITA De Lucena
Program: Horizon Europe (EUSPA)
Starting Date: 01 November 2022
Completion Date: 31 October 2024
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