SUFABU II: Partners Meeting (Florence, Italy)
The 2nd Transnational Partners’ Meeting of the SUFABU II project was organised successfully on the 3rd and 4th of June 2024. The meeting was hosted by our partner Confartigianato Imprese Toscana in Florence, Italy, with the participation of staff members from all organisations inside the project’s partnership.
The SUFABU II meeting covered several topics, regarding all ongoing and upcoming activities. Firstly, the partners presented their progress in Work Package 2: “Collection of In-Depth Case Studies”. Through these interviews, the partners are able to gain useful insights all around the European Union, on the green transition process of SME family businesses.
Following that, the SUFABU II consortium participated in the presentation of upcoming activities of Work Package 3: “Development of OERs - Green Transition Training Modules”. The presentation was carried out by Omnia, which will the partner responsible for overviewing all relevant activities.
The same process was followed for the presentation and discussion on Work package 4: “Development of OERs - Micro-Learning Videos”, which were coordinated by our partner Know-House from the Czech Republic.
The 2-day meeting was finalized after the discussion on other important aspects of the project, which were focused on project management processes and the effective dissemination of project results. The next transnational face-to-face meeting of the SUFABU II partnership will take place in Cyprus in November 2024.
For more information about the project visit the Projects’ Section.